Ascension and the New Way of Being

Ascension is mastering the self. Claiming your sovereignty. Accepting yourself and others as they are and accepting yourself when you aren’t in a space of acceptance of anything or anyone. Choosing light over darkness and finding light in that darkness. Alchemizing, shifting and continuing on the path of Oneness. Loving all parts of the human experience. And allowing what is to just be. 

During a spiritual awakening and ascension, all the parts of your human experience become magnified in your reality. What you have done, how you have thought, how you have felt has come to the forefront of your consciousness to be observed. This can be a brutally painful experience…being aware of your conscious and subconscious world. You then have opportunities to shift feelings by uncovering the source, change patterns of thought or behavior, or simply observe. Doing this without judgment helps you entirely through this, but it can be difficult if you hold judgment of others and yourself. But the non-judgement plays a huge role in allowing the higher perspective to come through with an answer to heal. Observing your thoughts without judgment also allows less struggle with yourself and this process. Keeping your vibration high also helps with these thoughts as you view them from a higher, more loving, perspective.

Practicing radical self love or even self acceptance is so important throughout this process. Starting rituals for body care can be a great foundation. The idea of being your best friend or mothering yourself can help. Talking lovingly to yourself when you look in the mirror. Massaging your favorite body lotion on after you’ve showered. The little ways you can pamper yourself really do make a difference. 

Calling in spiritual support is also paramount. Asking for assistance in any way, asking for loving and peaceful energy into your being and your space or asking for the source of a belief to be revealed can lessen the heaviness that comes with this process. Using your intuition to help see, feel, hear and know when the information has come through. Awareness and intuition are key. Ask, be aware/mindful, follow your intuition. This can at times be easier said than done, but it can be done. And you have plenty of time for lessons to be revealed and guidance to be integrated. Take your time and continue to ask for help all while loving yourself, and you will begin to see a huge transformation in your state of being. 

This is a new way of existing. And the world needs this. While healing yourself and remaining aware and conscious, you are healing the collective. This isn’t for the faint of heart. You chose and were chosen to experience this mission and you are fully capable and have the tools to do it. Step into your power, love yourself, and leave anything that no longer serves you. Most of all, allow what is, to just be. 

Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash


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