Earthly Connection

Our bodies crave a connection like no other with the Earth. Not just our physical bodies but also our energetic bodies. All that is provided by this miraculous planet wants to dance with us; co-mingling energies so we can seek heights like no other. Plants, stones, water and everything in between. At the deepest soul level within our beings, we know and can feel this knowing. 

Somehow we became disconnected from this wisdom, this deep seeded knowledge. Man made religion, colonization, fear mongering and the industrial revolution brought us and our ancestors further and further away from this truth and way of existing. Cohabitation with this planet….we are one, and we will always be one, 

The amount of plants that we eat dwindled from main dishes to a possible side dish for some. Our herbal teas and tinctures were replaced by modern medicine. We decided that wearing shoes was the only way to navigate the concrete that once was soil. There have been so many ways in which we have slowly severed ties with all that is, so many ways we have shunned what we come from and what holds and supports us.

 It's time to return. Returning back to our roots. Return back to what is tried and true. Return back to the very things that wish no harm upon us. It's time to dance. 

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash


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